The Body Clock
Acupressure for Daylight Savings Time and Jet Lag
Jin Shin Jyutsu®: Fingers and Daily Flows
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The Body Clock
Acupressure for Daylight Savings Time and Jet Lag |
Body clock and horary points:
3 – 5 AM Lung – LU 8 (one thumb width above inner wrist on thumb side)
5 – 7 AM Large Intestine – LI 1 (base of nail on thumb side of index finger)
7 – 9 AM Stomach – ST 36 (four fingers below knee, one thumb width out from crest of shin bone)
9 – 11 AM Spleen – SP 3 (foot side of big toe joint, on the edge of the foot)
11 – 1 PM Heart – H 8 (on crease of palm below little finger)
1 – 3 PM Small Intestine – SI 5 (depression on edge of wrist on little finger side)
3 – 5 PM Bladder – BL 66 (toe side of little toe joint, on edge of foot)
5 – 7 PM Kidney – K 10 (tendons at the crease on the inside of knee)
7 – 9 PM Pericardium – P 8 (center of palm)
9 – 11 PM Triple Warmer – TW 6 (4 fingers above outer wrist at center)
11 – 1 AM Gall Bladder – GB 41 (move up the foot to where the bones of the fourth and fifth toes meet, wiggle the toes to find tendon; jump over tendon towards little toe side)
1 – 3 AM Liver – LIV 1 (base of nail on big toe, little toe side of nail)
For daylight savings time, hold the horary point for the new time setting every two hours.
For jet lag: When you board the plane, set your watch to the time of your destination. Hold the horary point of the time at your destination every two hours. It’s as if you pretend you’re already there. You can hold for five minutes every hour or for 2 to 3 minutes every two hours, depending on how serious a problem jet lag is for you.
Jin Shin Jyutsu: Fingers and Daily FLows
Holding the Fingers |
(I’ve updated this information in a recent post, The Jin Shin Jyutsu practice of holding the fingers.)
The acronym for remembering the attitudes associated with each finger is “Get rid of Worry FAST.” W is for Worry (thumb), F for Fear (index), A for Anger (middle), S for Sadness (ring), and T for Trying To (little).
For each attitude, there is a “quickie” hold and a longer sequence. The “quickie” hold involves holding one finger with the fingers of the other hand. For example, to hold the left thumb, wrap all four fingers of your right hand around your left thumb. The longer sequence is a combination of fingers that you hold one after the other. For example, the longer sequence for Worry is to hold the thumb, then hold the middle finger, then hold the little finger.
How long should you hold a finger? If you have plenty of time, hold each finger until you feel a pulse arrive in the finger. If a finger is already pulsing strongly when you first touch it, hold the finger until the pulse calms down. Another way to hold the fingers is simply to hold each finger for two or more breaths. You will find this very meditative and relaxing. Holding individual fingers and the finger mudras before falling asleep is an excellent practice.
The ten fingers are said to regulate 14,400 functions within the body. The different ways of holding the fingers influence the body on a variety of levels, but they are all effective. Choose a style that feels most comfortable and satisfying to you.
Worry: The “quickie” is to hold the thumb. The sequence is thumb, middle, little finger.
- Additional benefits: for depression, hate, obsession, anxiety, self-protection, to revitalize physical fatigue, for the back of the head, breathing, and digestive discomforts.
Fear: The “quickie” is to hold the index finger. The sequence is thumb, index, little finger.
- Additional benefits: for timidity, mental confusion, depression, perfectionism, criticism, frustration, digestive issues, elimination, wrist, elbow, and upper arm discomforts.
Anger: The “quickie” is to hold the middle finger. The sequence is little, ring, middle finger.
- Additional benefits: for feeling cowardly, irritable, indecisive, unstable, not alert, overly emotional, general fatigue, eye issues, forehead discomforts.
Sadness/Grief: The “quickie” is to hold the ring finger. The sequence is thumb, index, middle, ring finger.
- Additional benefits: for negative feelings, common sense, excess mucus, breathing, ear discomforts.
Trying To/Pretense (cover-up): The “quickie” is to hold the little finger. The sequence is little, ring finger.
- Additional benefits: for “crying on the inside and laughing on the outside,” feeling insecure, nervous, confused, issues of “why am I here,” calms nerves, aids bloating.
Finger Mudras |
(I’ve updated this information in a recent post, The Jin Shin Jyutsu finger mudras.)
1. Exhaling the Burdens and Blockages (palm side of middle finger)
Hold palm side of left middle finger lightly with right thumb. Place rest of right fingers on back of left middle finger. (Reverse for right middle finger.)
Releases generalized tension and stress from head to toe. Helps the exhale so we can empty ourselves of the causes of harmful stagnation and blockages of energy.
Use when: Can’t see too well. Difficult to exhale. Frustrated. Tired all the time. Trouble making decisions. Procrastinate.
2. Inhaling the Abundance (back of middle finger)
Hold back of left middle finger lightly with right thumb. Place rest of right fingers on palm side of left middle finger. (Reverse for right middle finger.)
Makes it easier to inhale the Breath of Life — our source of abundance (prenatal and postnatal Chi).
Use for: Can’t take a deep breath. Hard of hearing. Feet bothering you. Not as alert as usual. Eyes bothering you.
3. Calming and Revitalizing (palm side of little and ring fingers)
Hold palm side of left little and right fingers with right thumb. Place rest of right fingers on back of left little and ring fingers. (Reverse for right fingers.)
Calms the body, releases nervous tension & stress, revitalizes all the organ functions.
Use for: Nervousness. Worry about the heart. If get out of breath when walk. Always “trying-to,” Depressed/never have any fun.
4. Releasing General Daily Fatigue (thumb, index, middle)
Hold back of left thumb, index and middle fingers with right thumb. Place rest of right fingers on palm side of left thumb, index and middle fingers. (Reverse for right thumb and fingers.)
Releases fatigue, tension and stress that builds up during the course of the day. Helps release worry, fear, and anger.
Use for: “I get so tired.” Feel insecure about everything (finances, work, relationships). Beginning to feel and look old. Get irritated and angry over nothing. Worry about everything.
5. Total Revitalization (thumb sandwich)
Make a circle with right middle finger and thumb (palm side thumb on middle fingernail). Next slip left thumb between circle of right thumb and middle finger (left thumb palm touching right middle fingernail). (Reverse for right thumb.)
Revitalizes all the bodily functions. Releases the blockages responsible for daily fatigue.
Use for: Always have uneasy feeling. Nothing seems wrong but get tired all the time. Problems with complexion. Tempermental. Uncontrollable craving for sweets.
6. Breathing Easily (ring fingernail to thumb)
Touch ring fingernail with palm side of thumb on both the left and right hands.
Strengthens the respiratory function. Helps balance ear projects. Use while walking, jogging, exercising — helps us breathe more easily. Use when flying, high altitudes (for the ears).
Use for: Bad skin conditions. Feel rejected and unloved and tear up easily. Feel clumsy & all thumbs. Lost common sense. Ears bothering you.
7. Exhaling Dirt, Dust, and Greasy Grime (steeple with middle fingers)
Touch palms of left and right middle fingers in folded hands position.
Releases general daily tension and stress from head, lungs, digestive functions, abdomen, and legs. Strengthens exhale.
8. Inhaling the Purified Breath of Life (touch middle fingernails)
Touch left and right middle fingernails together.
Releases tension in the back, promotes overall feeling of well-being. Strengthens ability to inhale, and receive the purified breath of life.
Daily Flows |
Use these simple daily flows to reduce stress, boost immunity, and revitalize the body.
Main Central Flow
The Main Central flows in oval circuit, going down the face, neck, and sternum, through the abdomen to the pubic bone. It flows up the spine, over the forehead, and then makes the circuit again. The Main Central is the primary harmonizing energy flow in the body and our main source of energy. It will revitalize and restore all the other flows of the body. It’s especially useful when there is an imbalance on one side of the body.
Right hand on top of head
Left hand between eyebrows
Left hand of tip of nose
Left hand between the breasts
Left hand at base of breastbone
Left hand on top of pubic bone
Right hand at base of spine (coccyx)
Left and Right Supervisor Flows
The left and right Supervisor Flows are like two vertical ovals of energy, one on each side of the body. The left Supervisor Flow “supervises” all the functions on the left side, and the right Supervisor Flow does the same on the right side. These flows are especially useful to clear the head, improve breathing, aid digestion, and reduce stress in the back.
Right side:
Left hand over right shoulder (SEL #3)
Right hand on right “sitting” bone (SEL #25)
Right hand on right hip crease (groin) (SEL #15)
Left side:
Right hand over left shoulder (SEL #3)
Left hand on left “sitting” bone (SEL #25)
Left hand on left hip crease (groin) (SEL #15)
Diagonal Mediator Flows
The Diagonal Mediator Flows start at the left and right shoulders and travel through both sides of the body, from back to front, side to side, and top to bottom. They end at the knee on the opposite side of where they started. They harmonize the left and right Supervisor Flows with each other and with the Main Central Flow, and thus are extremely important for our overall supply of energy. The Mediator Flows make sure that all the flows in the body are revitalized by the Main Central and help balance both sides of the body.
Right side:
Right thumb on right ring fingernail
Left hand over right shoulder (SEL #3)
Bring knees together (SEL #1)
Left side:
Left thumb on left ring fingernail
Right hand over left shoulder (SEL #3)
Bring knees together (SEL #1)
Anterior Ascending Energy Flow
This flow is a general revitalizer for the energy that runs up the front of the body. You can use it to pick up your energy when you’re feeling tired or run down. It’s also a good flow to calm the nerves and strengthen digestion.
Right side:
Left hand on base of spine
Right hand on right inside ankle (SEL #5)
Right hand on left base of rib cage (SEL #14)
Left hand on right above breast area (SEL #13)
Left hand on left center of collar bone (SEL #22)
Left side:
Right hand on base of spine
Left hand on left inside ankle (SEL #5)
Left hand on right base of rib cage (SEL #14)
Right hand on left above breast area (SEL #13)
Right hand on right center of collar bone (SEL #22)
Anterior Descending Energy Flow
This flow is a general revitalizer for the energy that runs down the front of the body. Use this flow to relieve worry, mental stress, bloating above the waist, and any weight projects.
Right side:
Left hand on right cheekbone (SEL #21)
Right hand on right center of collar bone (SEL #22)
Right hand on left base of rib cage (SEL #14)
Right hand on left small of back (SEL #23)
Right hand on right base of rib cage (SEL #14)
Right hand on left inner thigh (high SEL #1)
Right hand on outside of left mid shin bone (low SEL #8)
Right hand on left middle toe
Left side:
Right hand on left cheekbone (SEL #21)
Left hand on left center of collar bone (SEL #22)
Left hand on right base of rib cage (SEL #14)
Left hand on right small of back (SEL #23)
Left hand on left base of rib cage (SEL #14)
Left hand on right inner thigh (high SEL #1)
Left hand on outside right mid shin bone (low SEL #8)
Left hand on right middle toe
Posterior Descending Energy Flow
This flow is a general revitalizer for the energy that runs down the back of the body. Use this flow for headaches, back stress, leg discomforts, and elimination projects.
Right side:
Left hand on right side of neck (SEL #12)
Right hand on coccyx
Right hand on right center back of knee
Right hand on right outside ankle (SEL #16)
Right hand on right little toe
Left side:
Right hand on left side of neck (SEL #12)
Left hand on coccyx
Left hand on left center back of knee
Left hand on left outside ankle (SEL #16)
Left hand on left little toe
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